Today -15th September in 1940 was the Hardest day of the battle of Britain. It is now known at Battle of Britain day.
After the Fall of France most people believed that an invasion of the UK was only a matter of time. First however the Germans had to over come two obstacles – the Royal Navy and the Royal Airforce. The British Navy was at this time the largest in the world. Germany simply could not sail across the channel because the Royal Navy would have blown their transports out of the water. Likewise the RAF was a problem. Transport ships would be vulnerable to Bomber command and also to the Spitfires and Hurricanes of Fighter Command.
The German answer was simple – destroy the RAF and then use air superiority to sink the Royal Navy. Then invade.
So on 10th July the Germans began attacking the RAF. By the 7th September after weeks of assaults the Fighter bases and fighter strength of the RAF was at breaking point. Even a few more days might means the defeat of the RAF. Yet, probably due to a Bomber Command raid on Berlin, the Germans switched targets to the British cities – in particular London. One week later the Luftwaffe decided to try a massive effort to finish Britain.
The 15th September 1940 would be the day that decided the Battle of Britain. The Germans that day launched raid after raid – pretty much their entire strength of 1500 bombers being engaged against some 400 British Fighters. But what the Germans did not realize is that one week pause, whilst they bombed the cities meant that the RAF had recovered its strength,
This day, this pivotal day, Churchill was visiting the command of 11 Group – the command directly responsible for London. He watched as the Germans deployed their full strength and was a witness as squadron after squadron of British fighters were launched to engage the Germans. At the very crisis of the battle when the Germans were swarming across the South East and London he asked the question “How many reserves do we have” The answer was “there are none.” the crisis of the Battle of Britain had arrived.
In the end the British fighter broke up many enemy formations and shot down over 60 enemy planes. Fighter command was intact and had not been defeated and the Luftwaffe had proven unable to defeat Britain. Soon afterwards Hitler cancelled plans for invasion of Britain and turned his eyes east, to Russia. Britain survived to one day become the launching pad for the liberation. of Europe
Today was the hardest day.
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