First ever Victoria Cross auctioned for £250,000British Soldiers in the Crimea |
The Victoria CRoss is the highest honour in British Military Service. The very first one earned by Major John Simpson Knox has been auctioned by an anonymous seller for a quarter of a Million pounds in London. The Victoria Cross was created in the aftermath of the Crimea war of 1854-55 using bronze from Russian Cannons captured in the siege of the city. It bears the words FOR VALOUR and is only issued to servicemen and women who have performed acts of great galantry. The first VC was won by Major John Knox and was auctioned along with the cannon ball which took of part of the soldiers arm at the Siege of Sebastopol in 1855. John Simposon Knox was born in Glasgow in 1828, Knox joined the British Army at the age of 14 illegally and soon rose through the ranks. he was a seargeant when he was first mentioned in army dispatches for gallatry rallying troops at the battle of Alma in 1854. However it was during the lengthly drawn out siege of Sebastopal that he won his VC, Under fire from the fortress he again lead troops in the attack. The action for which he won the VC was on the 18th June 1855. This is the citation: War Office, 24th February, 1857.THE Queen has been graciously pleased to signify Her intention to confer the Decoration of the Victoria Cross on the undermentioned Officers and Men of Her Majesty’s Navy and Marines, and Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, and Men of Her Majesty’s Army, who have been recommended to Her Majesty for that Decoration,—in accordance with the rules laid down in Her Majesty’s Warrant of the 29th of January, 1856—on account of acts of bravery performed by them before the Enemy during the late War, as recorded against their several names, viz. :— […] 2nd Bat. Rifle Brigade Lieutenant John Knox When serving as a Serjeant in the Scots Fusilier Guards, Lieutenant Knox was conspicuous for his exertions in reforming the ranks of the Guards at the Battle of the Alma. Subsequently, when in the Rifle Brigade, he volunteered for the ladder-party in the attack on the Redan, on the 18th of June, and (in the words of Captain Blackett, under whose command he was) behaved admirably, remaining on the field until twice wounded Alas he was hit by a cannon ball fired from the fortress and part of his arm was blown off. A fellow soldier later presented him with the cannon ball. Knox continued to earn promotions to an officer and eventually became a Major. He became an inspector of instruction in rifles and marksmanship. He retired in 1872 and died in 1897. |
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